Despite his mischievous nature, clumsy footwork, and irrational fear of thunderstorms Marley is the faithful golden labrador that glues the Grogan family together. He’s there for every up, down, and milestone that the family faces.
It’s a heartwarming reminder that pets are part of the family. Just remember to have a box of tissues nearby when you watch this flick!
Turner, played by Tom Hanks, is a bored cop looking for a real crime. To solve a murder, he is unexpectedly paired with a shaggy dog named Hooch. Despite his appearance, Hooch is Turner’s faithful and brave sidekick. He knows how to deal with dangerous criminals, assists Turner in solving the case, and risks his life to save his friend. Talk about a man’s best friend!
Babe is a cute little pig who is bought by a farmer. While a pig’s job on a farm is obvious, Babe rapidly proves that he is no ordinary pig and that he possesses a variety of hidden abilities.
He goes on to become the heartbeat of the film and a beloved companion of the farmer. Did we also mention just how cute the little piglet is?
Black Beauty is the main character in the film of the same name. The movie, which is based on Anna Sewell’s original work, covers the story of the gorgeous black horse’s life and the cruelty and hardship he encounters along the way. By the end of it, we all wanted to take Black Beauty under our wing, braid his hair, and ride off into the sunset with him.
Where would Hogwarts and its students be without Harry’s brave pet owl, Hedwig? While Ron was stuck with a rather retched rat, Harry had the ever-loyal and brave snowy owl by his side.
It’s no wonder that she’s regarded as a magical icon and a feathered fan favorite.