Insects VS Catnip
Researchers at Iowa State University, have revealed that a relatively weak solution of catnip extract repels mosquitoes as strongly as a DEET solution that is ten times more concentrated. This is because it contains the essential oil, Nepetalactone. Nepetalactone is what gives the plant its odor, and that odor makes mosquitoes fly the furthest away that they can.
Entomologist Chris Peterson, PhD, with Joel Coats, PhD, led the effort to test catnip’s ability to repel mosquitoes. What makes this odor so repulsive to mosquitos is pretty much a mystery. According to Chris Peterson, it could be that it just acts as an irritant, or that they hate the way it smells. Still, nobody really understands why or how it works. However, anything as good or better than DEET is good news because it is always better to use natural, safer products instead of ones that are chemically manufactured. So, while catnip can help your cat relax and wind down after a hard day of mice-hunting, and make mosquitoes move away, it can also be beneficial to you.
Catnip Tea For Humans
Have you ever heard of Catnip tea? Well, neither did we, but it turns out it can be both yummy and healthy. Using the plant’s dried leaves and flowers can create a soothing effect, great for battling stress or insomnia. Using catnip roots, on the other hand, can be a great replacement for your daily cup of coffee, as these act as a stimulant. Tea from catnip is made just like any other tea, and it has a unique flavor you’ve probably never tasted before, almost like drinking a forest. If you add lemon to your catnip tea, it will bring out the minty flavor the plant holds.