Amazing Donkey Lifespan Facts Revealed!

Although we’re all familiar with the facts of a horse lifespan, have you ever wondered just how long does a donkey live for? Are they the same as horses, or do they live for longer? 


How Long Does A Donkey Live?

Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer here! The question of how long does a donkey live depends on many factors, so the lifespan of a donkey is very variable.

Factors To Consider

A working donkey in an undeveloped country will have a shorter life expectancy than a pet donkey in an affluent home. 

How To Care For An Older Donkey

It is not unusual for a well-kept donkey to live for many decades, although they require a lot of care and attention later in life to keep them healthy and free from pain.

So, as we have learned, the question of how long does a donkey live depends on many factors. A working donkey in an undeveloped country will have a shorter life expectancy than a pet donkey in an affluent home.


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