Best Hay For Horses With The Most Protein

Horses are natural grazers, and therefore receive the bulk of their nutritional needs through forage. However, horse ownership means a degree of confinement behind fencing, so horses are fed hay. With the vast selection of hay on the market ...


Hay is for Horses! Nutritional Content of Forage

Unlike humans, horses’ diets are restricted to seasonal and regional grass growth, accompanied by what we provide.

Importance of Protein in Horses

Although protein intake is frequently associated with performance horses and muscle development, protein helps all horses’ bodily functions. 

Best Hay for Horses with the Most Protein

When analyzing hay, you will notice not all regions and climates can grow multiple varieties of hay.

Legume Hay

Alfalfa is a popular choice for supplemental feeding, due to its high fiber and high crude protein content. However, it provides up to 120% more energy than oat hay ...

Grass Hay

Timothy hay is one of the grass hays with higher protein content, sitting at approximately 10% minimum crude protein. 

Grain Hay

Both oat hay and forage hay have higher fiber, but lower protein content. 

Protein Supplements for Horses

Manna Pro Cool Omega 40+: Equine Dry Fat and Protein Supplement. 

Uckele Tri Amino Supplement:  It helps maintain strong muscles, healthy weight, and supports a healthy top-line ...

AniMed L-Lysine for Horses: Recommended for horses whose diets are low in alfalfa, clover, and soy.

Things to Remember

If you have questions about your hay and the seller does not offer test results, you can send in a sample of the forage to a lab. 

Depending on your horse’s individual needs and supplemental feeding program, you may have several options to choose from. Nutritionists recommend horses consume approximately 1.5%-2% of their body weight in forage per day. 


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