Deworming Programs and Schedules for Horses

Especially for first-time horse owners, the practice of deworming can be confusing and frustrating! How often do you need to deworm your horse? What us your horse worming schedule? What’s the difference between different types of dewormers? How do horses even get worms?


Horse Worming Schedule: Why Deworm?

All horses need to be regularly dewormed to maintain their health.  It is one of the most critical aspects of horse care for horse owners to understand.  Most horse owners are well versed in deworming schedules, but for beginners, it can be daunting.

Horse Worming Schedule: Types of Worms

There are four primary types of worms that affect equines: tapeworms, bots, ascarids, and strongyles.  Each different type of worm manifests itself differently within a horse’s body. Even so, the outward symptoms of an infected horse remain the same.

Horse Worming Schedule: Types of Dewormers

There are many different kinds of dewormers, all with relatively complicated names.  Some of these names include Fenbendazole, Oxibendazole, Ivermectin, Moxidectin, Pyrantel Pamoate, Pyrantel Tartrate, and Praziquantel.

Deworming Schedules

It details different deworming schedules for pregnant mares, foals, and standard adult horses.  It details how frequently different dewormers should be used so that you can create your own schedule, depending on what type of horse you have, and when you’re beginning your schedule. The study done by the "Colorado State University"

Deworming helps keep a horse healthy, happy, and comfortable.  Stay educated, and always consult with your vet when you have questions about deworming, or about other equine health topics.


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