Different Horseshoe Types And Uses

Everyone knows that horses can wear shoes, but what does this mean? And are there different horseshoe types and uses?


What Are Horseshoes? Different Horseshoe Types And Uses

Horseshoes are a product usually made out of metal that is designed to protect a horse’s hoof from wear and damage. 

Why Do Horses Wear Horseshoes?

Horses in the wild have been living for centuries without horseshoes, so are they really essential for horses today? That answer is different for each horse.

Different Horseshoe Types And Uses

Regular Shoe -   Most people have come across a regular horseshoe in their lives  Bar Shoe Bar -  shoes are fully enclosed in the heel area, but still fit to form to the horse’s hoof.

Different Horseshoe Types And Uses

E gg Bar – similar to the normal bar shoe.  Heart Bar -   Heart bar shoes are fully enclosed just like the other bar shoes. 

Different Horseshoe Types And Uses

Aluminum Shoes – shoes are made out of steel, but occasionally you will find one made out of aluminum.  Winter Shoes -  horses can get seasonal winter shoes too! 

Different Horseshoe Types And Uses

Horseshoes For Each Horse -  There are many different types of horseshoes. And they are not one size fits all! 

Only a specially trained farrier can shoe a horse. They are trained to determine what kind of shoe would be best, how to best attach it, and how to keep the horse as comfortable as possible while they do it. 


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