Do Horseshoes Hurt Horses

Do horseshoes hurt horses? A common question to the century-old human practice of using shoes to protect the hooves of their working horses...


History Of Horseshoes

The history of horseshoes predates many important human inventions. The first evidence of horseshoes dates as far back as 400 BC...

Purpose Of Using Horseshoes

The main goal of putting shoes on a horse is to protect its hooves...

If you are not familiar with horses and hoof anatomy, the act of hammering nails into a horse’s foot looks like it causes pain. In one way, this is correct, but only if it is not done by a farrier trained in the job...

Does Shoeing A Horse Hurt It

Is Barefoot Better For The Horse

A growing trend of leaving the horse barefoot is causing a lot of debate in the equestrian world...

So do horseshoes hurt horses? The simple answer is no. If done correctly, a shoe causes no pain. Not all horses need shoes, but it is important to avoid the extreme mentality of never using them...


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