Grey Horse Color – Why Do Some Horses Turn Grey?

The grey horse color includes a wide range of different types of grey horses. These range from a completely white coat color through to a dark, steely grey. But why do some horses turn a grey color?


Why Do Some Horses Turn Grey?

The coat color of horses occurs because of their genetic makeup. Each horse inherits genes from its parents; these genes are paired, and the horse gets one of each pair from each parent. 

How Do Horses Turn Grey?

Foal The foal will not normally have any grey hairs at birth, but a foal of any color can turn grey.

How Do Horses Turn Grey?

Intermediate Stage As the horse moves through adolescence, the coat will become lighter.

How Do Horses Turn Grey?

Late Stage A grey horse does not normally become lighter evenly across the whole body.

How Do Horses Turn Grey?

Complete Depigmentation Many horses stay this color, whilst others develop small pigmented freckles, called flea-bitten grey.

So, as we have learned, the gene that causes a grey horse color is very dominant and will overrule all other color genes. However, most horses are not born grey and will turn grey gradually over a number of years.


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