How Long Do Horses Sleep?

Have you ever wondered how long do horses sleep? We all love to get a good 8 hours of sleep at night, but horses have a very different sleep pattern to humans!...


How Do Horses Sleep?

Horses are famous for their ability to sleep standing up. They can catch a quick nap without laying down, thanks to their incredible ability to ‘lock’ their legs into a standing position...

How Long Do Horses Sleep?

The horse’s daily sleep is a minimum of 3 to 5 hours per day, although most horses sleep for much longer than this...

Like any mammal, horses need to sleep to allow the body and mind to recharge. If the horse does not get enough sleep, or does not feel safe enough to lie down for REM sleep, then sleep deprivation can occur...

Why Do Horses Need To Sleep?

How Can We Make Sure Horses Get Enough Sleep?

Horses are prey animals, so they are always on guard against predators. Your horse will only sleep when he feels it is safe to do so – you never know when a lion might be lurking around the corner!...

Horses require very little sleep compared to humans and can survive on just 3 to 5 hours of sleep per day. Our domesticated horses will most likely sleep for much longer, as they do not have to spend so much time foraging for food...


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