How Smart Is A Horse?

Have you ever wondered how clever horses are? Anyone who has spent time with horses will have realized they have great strength but are they equally as intelligent?...


Are Horses Smart?

Scientists have compared the mental capacity of horses to humans. They have concluded that a horse has the same capabilities as a 12-year-old human child...

How Smart Are Horses Of Different Breeds?

So, horses are pretty smart, but are some breeds smarter than others? We need to get one thing straight to start with – a smart horse is not necessarily a good thing!...

Do Horses Have Big Brains?

Horses have very large skulls, and you might assume that they have an equally large brain in there! However, this isn’t the case, and a horse’s brain is actually quite small...

Is Horse Intelligence Linked To Brain Size?

Scientists are not entirely sure whether the size of an animal’s brain is directly linked to how smart they are...

So, as we’ve learned, horses can be very smart and are capable of working out some complex puzzles.  However, their instincts will sometimes overrule their brains, leading them to do crazy and reckless things...


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