How To Treat Heaves In Horses With Dexamethasone

Heaves is something a horse owner never wants to deal with. Knowing how to treat heaves in horses with dexamethasone can be beneficial.


What Is Heaves In Horses?

Heaves is a common allergic respiratory disease in horses that is performance limiting and is most similar to asthma in people.

Treating Heaves In Horses

Though there is no cure for heaves, it can be managed with changes in the environment and in more serious cases, medication.

What Is Dexamethasone? – Heaves In Horses With Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone is a synthetic corticosteroid hormone used in managing inflammation in diseases or conditions such as heaves. 

How To Treat Heaves In Horses With Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone as a treatment for heaves can be given intravenously or orally. 

For horses with heaves, the best way to manage their symptoms is to limit their exposure to dust, mold and fumes. In more serious cases, dexamethasone can be administered to help alleviate symptoms.


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