Is Clover Bad For Horses?

As a horse owner or carer, it is important to know what your horse is eating when he is out grazing. But is clover bad for horses if you’ve got a lot of it?


Is Clover Good For Horses?

Clover can be found in many horse paddocks, as this plant is widespread in wild areas.

Is Clover Bad For Horses?

When it comes to grazing horses on land with clover, there are two problems that can occur.

Clover And Slobbers In Horses

Horses grazing on red and white clover will occasionally develop a condition called slobbers. 

Alsike Clover Toxicity In Horses – Is Clover Bad For Horses

Whilst red and white clover are relatively safe for horses to eat, alsike clover can cause debilitating and life-threatening health problems. 

So, as we have learned, if clover is bad for horses depends on the type of clover you have and how much of it is available. 


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