Life Cycle Of A Horse Facts And Figures!

Have you ever wondered how the life of a horse compares to other animals? What is the equivalent of a toddler or teenager in horse years? Let’s find out with our life cycle of horse facts and figures!


What Are The Different Life Stages Of A Horse?

Infancy - is the childhood phase of the life cycle of a horse.  Adolescence - As the foal grows and matures it moves into the adolescent period.

What Are The Different Life Stages Of A Horse?

Adulthood -  An adult horse is capable of reproducing, and in the wild, they will do so throughout their adult life.  Geriatric - the final stage of a horse’s life cycle is old age.

How Long Is A Horses Life Cycle?

 A Foal will suckle from its dam until around six months of age, and it then becomes a weanling. Adolescence and becomes a fully mature adult at around four to six years of age.

The longest of these stages is adulthood, where the horse is fully grown and able to reproduce. A young foal is very vulnerable and will grow quickly to become an adolescent and then an adult.


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