Normal Horse’s Respiratory Rate

Do you know what your normal horse respiratory rate (RR) is? If you own or lease a horse, or care for other horses, knowing how to properly take a horse (RR) and knowing their resting respiratory rate is very important.


How To Get The Most Accurate Resting Respiratory Rate

After your horse has had breakfast and they are calm and relaxed in their pen or stall is an ideal time to take their resting RR...

Normal Horse Respiratory Rate and How To Determine It

1. Respiratory Rate using a Stethoscope and a Watch 2. Respiratory Rate by Watching the Rib Cage or Flank

Having a stethoscope and a watch with a second hand is very helpful when taking the horse’s RR. Try listening to the trachea instead of the lungs, when you count the horse’s breaths. The trachea is closer to the skin so you can hear the air moving through it easily...

Respiratory Rate using a Stethoscope and a Watch

Respiratory Rate by Watching the Rib Cage or Flank

If you don’t have a stethoscope you can still take the horse’s RR.  You will still need a watch or a timer so you can count for 15 seconds...

Why a Horse’s Respiratory Rate May Increase or Decrease 

Hot and humid weather may increase a horse’s RR because its internal cooling system has a harder time working efficiently in high heat...

When to Call a Veterinarian?

With any type of RR change seeking guidance from your Veterinarian is highly recommended...

From horse lover to horse owner knowing how to properly get the RR of a horse and what can cause the RR to increase or decrease is the knowledge we all need to have...


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