Top 3 Best Black And White Horse Breeds

Black and white horses are captivating and people have been drawn to them for centuries. Get to know some of these two-colored horses a little better with our top picks for the best black and white horse breeds.


Black And White Horses

White and black horses are increasing in popularity. There are many different types of two-colored horses, from those with small flecks of color to those that are evenly ...

1. Gypsy Vanner

Gypsy Vanner horses, also known as Gypsy Cobs or Irish Cobs, are very well known throughout the world. These horses were bred in England and Ireland.

2. Appaloosa

Appaloosa horses are an iconic part of history, especially in America’s old west. They are very easily identified for their ‘leopard’ spots.

3. American Paint Horse

The American Paint Horse Association (APHA) is the second-largest bred registry in North America. They are well known for their unique combination of white with black, bay, ...

Horses that are black and white are very desired and popular today. Many people throughout history have worked hard to preserve their bloodlines and unique colors, and it shows in the broad range of coloring we see today.


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