What Do Horses Eat In The Wild?

Any horse lover will know that these huge animals eat a lot! In fact, they seem to always be hungry, and we need to give them an enormous supply of hay and grass to keep them happy.


What Is The Most Natural Food For Horses?

The digestive system of a horse is an incredibly complex and sensitive series of organs. Horses have undergone thousands of years of evolution to enable ...

What Do Horses Eat In The Wild?

If you imagine where horses normally live in the wild, it is a far stretch from the lovely green fields that our domesticated horses graze in! Most wild horses live ...


As with domesticated horses, wild horses survive by eating mostly grass. However, they are much less fussy when it comes to the grass they eat! Wild horses will eat grass whether it is ...

Herbs And Other Plants

You might think of these other things that horses eat as weeds, but in the wild horses will eat a wide variety of plants other than grasses! In fact, many of these herbaceous ...

So, as we have learned, in the wild horses eat mostly grasses and herbs.  The digestive system of a horse is highly adapted to eat a high-roughage diet, and wild horses will thrive by grazing for most of their waking hours.


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