What Do Strongyles Do?

Strongyles are something that no horse owner wants to deal with. So, what do strongyles do? These nasty parasites can wreak havoc on your horse, leading to all sorts of problems for horses.


What Are Strongyles?

Strongyles are a type of nematode worms that are often parasitic in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals, particularly those that graze.

Small Strongyles

Small strongyles tend to be more difficult to deal with than large strongyles as they are able to enclose themselves within a cyst within the intestinal wall. 

Large Strongyles

Strongylus edentatus take about nine months to mature, spending that time traveling through the abdomen, in organs such as the liver and the pancreas. 

How Do Horses Get Strongyles? 

Horses get strongyles by consuming grass, feed or water contaminated with infective larvae. The most common way for horses to get strongyles is to eat grass that contains infective larvae.

Stronglyes can cause all sorts of problems for horses. Large strongyles can lead to colic, amenia, dehydration, depression, diarrhea, weakness, fever and loss of appetite.

What Do Strongyles Do?

Strongyles are a common type of parasite that affects the gastrointestinal tract of horses and other grazing animals. They can lead to all sorts of problems including colic, amenia, weight loss and weakness.


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