What Does It Mean When A Horse Nudges You With His Nose?

Have you ever wondered what does it mean when a horse nudges you with his nose?


What Does It Mean When A Horse Nudges You With His Nose?

When a horse nudges you with his nose, it can be cute at first, but sometimes this behavior can get quite dangerous! 

Seeking Attention And Affection

Horses love company and attention and can become easily bored.

Looking For Treats

Horses are clever creatures, and will soon figure out that we tend to hide tasty treats in the pockets of our clothing! 

Itching – What Does It Mean When A Horse Nudges You With His Nose

We all know that feeling when we just can’t scratch that itch! 

Pushing You Away

If a horse is feeling uncomfortable with a situation, he might try to push you out of the way.

Bargy Behavior – What Does It Mean When A Horse Nudges You With His Nose

Some horses can become bargy, pushing past people to get away from an undesirable situation.

Should You Stop Your Horse Nudging You With His Nose?

Some gentle nudging is absolutely fine, and it is a nice way for your horse to communicate with you. But if things start to get a bit boisterous, you need to find a way to discourage this behavior.

So, as we have learned, there are several reasons why a horse might nudge you with his nose. He might be looking for attention or need you to scratch an itchy spot, or he might be being bargy and boisterous.


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