What Is Entrapped Epiglottis In Horses?

For horses that compete at top levels, it is important that they are healthy and in top shape. In some cases, entrapped epiglottis in horses can cause problems in a horse’s performance.


Entrapped Epiglottis In Horses

Entrapped epiglottis can lead to breathing difficulties in horses, making them reluctant to exercise.  

Symptoms And Causes Of Epiglottic Entrapment

The most common symptoms in entrapped epiglottis are loud, abnormal breathing noises when exercising.

Diagnosis For Epiglottic Entrapment

Diagnosis for entrapped epiglottis generally involves a video endoscopy and a dynamic endoscopy. 

Treatments Available For Entrapped Epiglottis In Horses

The most common treatment for the condition is surgery.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Entrapped Epiglottis In Horses?

In most cases, horses will return to full health within three to six weeks of the treatment. 

What Does it Mean When A Horse Is Entrapped? - When a horse has entrapped epiglottis it means that the aryepiglottic fold completely obscures the apex and lateral margins of the epiglottis.

Understanding Entrapped Epiglottis In Horses

Though it is relatively rare, entrapped epiglottis can cause breathing problems such as wheezing, rattling, and gurgling when a horse exercises. 

Entrapped epiglottis is a relatively uncommon breathing condition in horses. Most horses with entrapped epiglottis are able to make a full recovery and eventually return to regular exercise.


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