Why Is My Horse Frothing At The Mouth?

It is not unusual to see a horse frothing at the mouth, but if your horse has never done it before it can be quite alarming.


What Does It Mean When A Horse Is Frothing At The Mouth?

Horses will froth at the mouth when they have an excessive amount of saliva. There can be a number of reasons for this.

Horse Foaming At The Mouth When Ridden

Is is common to see a horse frothing at the mouth when it is being ridden.

Horse Foaming At The Mouth When Eating

The act of eating, or anticipation of a tasty meal, will stimulate the mouth to produce extra saliva.

Medical Conditions That Cause Frothing At The Mouth In Horses

here are several medical conditions where you will see a horse frothing at the mouth.


Many toxins and poisons will cause excessive salivation. 

So, as we have learned when horse froths at the mouth this can mean a number of different things. These include frothing at the mouth when the horse is being ridden, or he is anticipating a tasty meal, or because of a medical condition. 


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