Horse Coughing Remedies, Problems and Treatment

You take a deep breath, glad that yearly chore is finally over,  the barn is hazy with tiny bits of dust, hay remnants, and pollen. You’re sneezing, your horse is coughing and you both go outside for some fresh air. You begin to wonder, why is my horse coughing, about horse coughing remedies and whether or not you should call your vet.


Why Is My Horse Coughing?

- Environmental Factors About Horse Coughing. - Horse Coughing While Eating. - Exercise. - Bacterial/Viral Infections

Horse Coughing Remedies

Environmental Remedies: let your horse out while cleaning the stalls, using a bedding that does create a lot of dust itself. 

Horse Coughing Remedies

Feed Remedies and Physical Factors: coughs while eating and environmental factors, such as dusty hay or grain that has a lot of granular dust

Horse Coughing Remedies

Other Factors for Horse Coughing: a bacterial or viral infection is key to not only treating the issue but containing the problem so that it does not spread to the rest of your herd.

Horse Coughing Treatment

They will first take your horse’s temperature because of the temperature over 101.5. It is a good indicator that the cause may be bacterial or viral. 

Simply knowing that persistent coughing is not a normal. Contacting a veterinarian as soon as the symptoms start showing can help your coughing Horse. It will help against contracting any aggravated form of illment. 


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