How Far Can A Horse Jump?

Jumping is one of the most exciting and majestic sporting events to watch. However, extensive training and specialized nutrition help prepare these equine athletes for such tremendous endeavors. How far can a horse jump?


How Far Can A Horse Jump? Noteworthy Jumps

An average horse, lacking extensive training that shows horses receive, can jump between 2.5 and 3 feet. Although physically capable of a 2-3-foot jump, . . .


Progressions can start from ground pole trot work, up to small cross rails. Conformation plays a role in a horse’s natural ability to jump and can dictate their future success in the sport… or lack of.

Phases of a Jump

Approach :  will dictate whether a horse will even attempt a jump.  Takeoff: s the last stride and thrust for the horse to leave the ground.

Phases of a Jump

Flight and Bascule: includes flight travel and the arc, aka “bascule”.  Landing: Horses should land with an extended foreleg. Recovery: horse resumes normal stride

Although horses can jump both horizontally for distance and for height, we typically see horses used for vertical jumps. With an average horse only able to jump up to 3’, it is not surprising extensive training is required for serious jumpers and competitors.


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