What Does The Horse Noises Names Mean?

If you have spent some time around horses, you’d know that they make a lot of noise. Grunts, groans, horse noises, whinnies-what does it all mean? Horses are great communicators, and you can tell a lot about how a horse is thinking simply by listening and observing them.


What’s My Horse Noises are Saying? Snort, Blow, etc.

1. Whinny - A whinny is a loud, high pitched neigh. This can be interpreted as a social call. In the wild, this is how members of a herd locate one another.

2. Nicker - A nicker is a softer neigh and can most often be heard when mares are communicating with their foals or when a stallion is looking to mate.

3. Snort- Snorting in a horse only occurs when you’re riding on it, and it sees what he takes to be danger.

Snort from Horses

A green-broke horse may also snort at you during lunging activities. And irrespective of that, continue your lesson, but be cautious of the high chances that your horse may act out at any second.

Snort from Horses

A green-broke horse may also snort at you during lunging activities. And irrespective of that, continue your lesson, but be cautious of the high chances that your horse may act out at any second.

Horse Noises: In Summary

Horses employ a number of ways to communicate with one another and their human caretakers. Knowing what these noises mean will help keep both of you happy and safe.

-Whinnies are social calls that can indicate insecurity and loneliness. A horse that whinnies often should be trained through distraction and rewarding quiet behavior. -A horse that nickers is displaying dominance and this behavior should not be rewarded if it is directed towards humans.


- Snorting is a sign of danger, which may be real or perceived. You can find out the cause of the snorting by looking where your horse is looking at, and act accordingly to address the issue. - Squealing is another common horse vocalization, which can indicate a number of things. Primarily, it may indicate your horse is feeling threatened . or ready to fight.


-Horses who pin their ears back are very upset and you should be vigilant to maintain your safety.


I never thought much of these noises, until I started observing when she didn’t want to walk over a log or it was her normal feeding time. However, how to identify each of these noises, was something that never really occurred to me. So today, we’d be looking at what noises horses make and what they mean?


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