What Is Cushing’s In Horses: Signs, Causes & Treatment

what then is Cushing’s in horses? What are the symptoms? Can this devastating disease be prevented? Unfortunately, there are no easy answers to those questions. However, being able to recognize the early signs and symptoms of a horse with Cushing’s will help you and your horse.


What Is Cushing’s in Horses?

Cushing's Disease also known as Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID) occurs not only in horses but also in dogs and humans as well. Across all species, the same brain structure, the pituitary gland, is effected . . .

Unless you can control the internal workings of your horse's body, there is no way to prevent Cushing's Disease. Some steroids used over a long period of time to treat other conditions in horses can increase their risk of developing this disease. 

Treatment of Cushing’s in Horses

Medicinal Therapies -  Your vet may prescribe your horse a couple of medications based on their evaluation of your horse. The first is Pergolide, a dopamine receptor that will help your horse’s body manage its overactive pituitary gland.

Supportive Care - The University of Florida suggests limiting carbohydrates because your horse cannot properly metabolize glucose that is created from these foods by their bodies, as a result of Cushing's Disease. It is extremely important for the longevity of your horse, . . .

Cushing’s Disease, if gone unnoticed or not properly treated, can be devastating to your horse’s health. Nevertheless, there are still many horses with Cushing’s that live full. And quality lives all thanks to the diligence of their owners. 


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