Where Do Horses Like To Be Pet?

All horse riders and lovers would like to think that their horses love to be petted as much as we love to pet them! But how do find this out for sure?...


Why Is Horse Petting Important?

Petting a horse is a vital way to create a strong bond and trusting relationship with the animal...

How To Pet A Horse Safely

1. Ears 2. Eyes 3. Muzzle 4. Tail


A relaxed horse will have slightly droopy ears. They will swivel around gently to follow your movements or other sounds...


A calm and happy horse will have what is called ‘soft eyes’. This means that the muscles around the eyes are relaxed, with no sign of tension...

So, as we have learned, horses are great at trying to tell us where they like to be pet! It can take some time to earn your horse’s trust but listening to his body language can speed up this process...


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