Last Updated on December 23, 2021
Traveling with your horse means you’ll want a place for them to be able to rest and walk around. A really good idea is portable horse corrals done by yourself. Read below to find out how to build a DIY, affordable, portable horse corral.
DIY Portable Horse Corral
Many people enjoy taking their horse camping and need a place away from the trailer to leave their horse for the night. Others going to shows want to ensure there is a place for their horse to be able to stretch and graze away from the busy show grounds. Or maybe you have your horses on your own property, and just want a place sectioned off to ride or free lunge your horse.
While building fencing may not always be a reasonable option, there are many portable horse corrals on the market. There are a few problems with these pre-made corrals though.
Some portable corrals are not made of sturdy materials. You know your horse best and may be worried that your Houdini will break through the barriers.
Another problem some horse owners run into is that the rails are too wide, and the horse may get his head caught in between while looking for grass on the other side.
Portable horse corrals can also be very expensive. Many require you to build and set up the parts they give you anyway, so you are paying extra for materials you can easily get for a cheaper price at a local hardware store.
With just a few materials, all of these problems can be solved by building your own horse corral.
What You Will Need
You know the unique needs of your own horse. No one corral type fits the needs of all horses. Here are two options of what you can use to build your own horse corral, and you can make the smartest decision for what will work best for your horse.
Basic DIY PVC Coral
A PVC coral is a great temporary option for most horses. It’s a very lightweight option and easy to transport. PVC pipes are also affordable and easy to find and purchase at your local hardware store.
- PVC Pipe
- Cross Tee/Elbow/Tee PVC Fittings
- One Can PVS Cement
- Step-in Posts
- Zip Ties
- Saw
Fi-Shock Step-In Fence Post (50 Pack), 4′
Electric Fencing
Some horses need something a little stronger than just the PVC pipes. Electric fencing can actually be the safer option for a horse who is more inclined to push the boundaries of fences.
- Step in Posts
- Electric fencing
- battery or solar-powered fencer
Step By Step Instructions
It can be much easier than you think to build a portable horse corral. For the purpose of this DIY, we will be building the PVC pipe corral. If needed, the electric fencing can easily be added in or built in a similar manner.
1. Cut Down The PVC Pipe
There is a variety of ways that you can cut your PVC. You will want to get enough materials for at least 8 pannels. Begin by planning out how big you would like each panel to be, and cut the pipes accordingly.
You will want each panel to be at least four feet high to contain an average-sized horse. Again, you know your horse’s needs best and may decide to make your corral a little taller.
You will want to make each panel into a square with four boxes (think tic tac toe) to make this extra sturdy. This also ensures that there is not enough space for your horse to reach through the pannels with their head and risk breaking them. Then you should add two ‘legs’ on the bottom that will reach the ground. Connect all pieces with the PVC fittings.
2. Fit Together And Glue
Once you have planned out and connected all your pipes and fittings, you will want to use PVC pipe cement or glue to hold everything together. Put the glue on the inside of each connector piece and make sure all pieces are pushed together tightly. Leave out with enough time to dry.
3. Set Up Your Corral
First set up your step-in posts. You will want to plan out ahead of time where to set these up. After putting up the posts, set up one panel. Use the zip ties to secure the panel to the step-in post. Use extra zip ties to connect pannels to each other also.
Keep setting up as many panels and step-in posts as needed until your corral is completed with four sides. Keep one corner untied so that you can get your horse in and out. You may want to bring an extra rope or chain to secure this ‘gate.’
Extra Tips For Building Your Portable Horse Corral
- Instead of keeping your PVC pipes long, it is better to cut them into shorter lengths (think 30 inches) and connect them with your tee PVC pipe fittings. This makes your corral sturdier if your horse decides to lean against it.
- Before or after setting up your panels, you may want to spray paint your PVC pipes and connectors. This will make your fencing more easily identified and more pleasing to the eye than the standard white poles.
- Try testing out your horse corral at home before you take it out on the road. Make sure your horse respects the boundaries and everything seems safe. You may decide to make a few adjustments or make a couple of extra panels if your horse doesn’t seem to have enough room to stay comfortable.
- You can also choose to use the side of your trailer as one of your walls to make the area of your coral bigger. Again, it would be wise to test this setup at home to make sure your horse is comfortable.
How To Build A Portable Horse Corral
Making a DIY portable horse corral can be much more cost-effective and efficient than you would initially think. Horses appreciate a space away from a trailer or stall to move around, graze, and relax. Make it easy to travel with your horse by keeping them as comfortable as possible with a portable corral, without breaking the bank.