Last Updated on March 31, 2022
In recent years, gaited horses have grown in popularity, with many people choosing to learn to ride these unusual horses. But what is a gaited horse and are they the right horse for you?
Gaited horses can be very different from other horses to train, but they are incredibly comfortable to ride. Let’s take a look at gaited horses and what they are all about!
What Is A Gaited Horse?
The horse industry has a lot of strange terminologies, and we need to explain some of this to describe what a gaited horse is. Most horses have four different paces. A pace is the name for the way in which a horse moves its legs.
The four paces of most horses are walk, trot, canter, and gallop. However, gaited horses have an extra or different pace! They can normally carry out these four paces but will have a fifth pace, which is the gaited pace.
The gaited pace is a more prominent feature in horses which need to cover large areas of ground quickly. Different breeds have different types of gaited paces, but they all share the same characteristics.
A gaited pace is one which is fast but requires less effort than a trot, canter, or gallop, with minimal discomfort to the rider. The limbs of the horse will move in a different order, and it can be a very unusual and impressive sight! Gaited horses may be born with this ability, or it can be taught to certain breeds later in life.
Why Are Some Breeds Naturally Gaited?
The ability to naturally perform different gaits is passed down through the bloodlines. The DNA of the horse will mean it is predisposed to carry out certain gaits, which is why different gaits are specific to certain breeds.
Gaited breeds are commonly calm and dependable horses, selectively bred through the centuries to create mounts which could be used for long working days on farmland and trails. Some gaited horses may not be able to carry out the ‘normal’ gaits of other horses, such as trot or canter.
How Are Gaited Breeds Trained?
If a horse is born with a natural gaited ability, then it can be very easy to train them. If a horse is naturally gaited it will show this ability from a very young age, performing the gait whilst playing in the field as a foal. When the horse is broken to ride this gait can be honed and enhanced, to show off the natural ability of the horse.
Easy-Gaited Horses: Gentle, humane methods for training and riding gaited pleasure horses
In recent years there has been some controversy about how gaited horses were trained. Welfare organizations became concerned that painful techniques were being used to enhance the natural gaits of horses. It also became common to use weighted shoes to encourage horses to flick their hooves forward when performing a gait.
Luckily, legislation has been tightened up and many of these techniques and methods have now been outlawed. Breed societies for the different gaited breeds offer advice on effective training methods and hold shows and competitions to showcase these talented horses.
Top 5 Gaited Horse Breeds
There are approximately 30 breeds of horses which are considered to be gaited. In some breeds, such as the Morgan horse, only certain bloodlines are gaited. There are also other breeds that can be taught to learn new gaits; in fact, theoretically, any horse could be taught to gait!
Let’s take a look at the 5 most famous gaited horse breeds:
Icelandic Horse
The Icelandic Horse (which is actually a pony!) has an unusual gait called the tolt. This gait is a single-footed pace, meaning that one hoof always remains in contact with the ground.
The tolt enables the Icelandic horse to cover rough terrain quickly and comfortably, minimizing the risk of trips or stumbles.
Check out this great video of an Icelandic Horse performing at the tolt gait – what an impressive speed! You might be startled that the rider appears quite big for the horse, but this is quite normal as the Icelandic Horse is incredibly strong.
Paso Fino
The Paso Fino is a beautiful breed of horse that is naturally gaited. The name of this breed, which originates from Latin America, translates as ‘smooth step’ – which is exactly what this horse does!
The gait of the Paso Fino is a rapid lateral four-beat gait, with every foot hitting the ground independently. They can perform this at three different speeds, and at each one, the rider will appear almost motionless.
Tennessee Walking Horse
This spectacular breed of horse is famous for its incredible ‘running walk’. The gait of the Tennessee Walking Horse is intended to cover farmland comfortably but quickly, ideal for ranchers on a long day out on the land.
Some Tennessee Walking Horses can also perform variations of the running walk, such as a rack, pace, or fox-trot.
Not all Appaloosa horses are gaited, but some bloodlines can perform a lateral gaited movement. This means that the legs on the same side of the horse move together, enabling the horse to move swiftly but comfortably.
In Appaloosa horses, this movement is often referred to as the ‘Indian Shuffle’!
American Standardbred
Anyone who has watched harness racing will be familiar with the incredible paces of the American Standardbred. This breed can carry out two different gaits – pacing and trotting.
Pacing is described as a single-footed amble, but don’t be deceived by this steady-sounding term as it is actually incredibly fast! Trotters are slightly slower, and have a single-foot walk or running walk
So, as we have learned, a gaited horse is one which has an additional or alternative gait. This gait is normally very comfortable and enables the horse to cover large areas of ground with minimal effort. Some organizations hold events and competitions for gaited horses.
We would love to hear about your experiences with gaited horses – have you ever owned or ridden one? Perhaps you are thinking of buying a gaited horse but have a few questions you’d like us to answer? Add a comment below this post and we’ll get back to you!
What is the difference between a gaited horse and a normal one?
You can tell if a horse is gaited by looking at the horse’s footfall. The gaited horse most often performs ambling gaits, which is when the feet move independently in a specific pattern. That means that a horse put down all four feet at different times so they touch the ground independently. This creates a distinct gliding motion and makes the rider feel like they are sitting still in the saddle.
Can you teach a horse to be gaited?
You might think that gait training is a complicated process, but in truth it’s actually quite simple. Before you begin, make sure your horse is comfortable in his tack, and that the saddle allows for smooth moves that are typical for gaits. Physical restrictions and discomfort will make it harder for your horse to advance with the training. You can use the impulsion aids, such as a crop, spurs, or long reins to help cue a horse to change into gaited movement.
Is a gaited horse good?
The best riding horses are gaited horses, and they’re great for long distance riding. The smooth and soft moves of a gaited horse makes them ideal for any type of ride. Because of this they are also very popular choice for people with back and joint issues. The soft, relaxed movement allows the horse to work more effectively without causing pain or injury.
If you are looking for a horse to accompany you on long-distance rides, a natural-gaited horse is most likely your best option.
Are gaited horses good for beginners?
A gaited horse has a smooth, fluid movement and is generally considered a more suitable mount for a beginning rider. If you want a horse that’s easy to get along with and doesn’t require much upkeep, a naturally gaited horse like a Tennessee Walking Horse is perfect.
However, it will require some practice and training to get it right. It is usually best to start with the walk or trot and progress to the canter and gallop. In order to ride these gaits, you must be able to control your horse’s pace and rhythm. You should also be able to maintain a smooth, fluid motion that is compatible with your horse’s movement. If you are new to riding, it may take some practice before you are able to do this.
What is a horse’s gait called?
The natural horse gaits are the walk, trot, canter, and gallop, with the walk being the slowest one and the gallop the fastest. There are some people who view these as only three gaits and consider the canter a variation of the gallop. However, they are different. The canter is a three beat gait, while gallop has four beats.
The walk and trot are the two most common gaits for riding horses. The walk is generally used for training or pleasure riding. Trotting is also considered a good exercise for young horses. The canter is not as common as the other gaits because it requires a certain amount of training. However, it is considered a useful gait for dressage and eventing competition. Gallop is also a gait that is used in many horse sports, such as show jumping and dressage.
Kate Chalmers is a qualified veterinary nurse who has specialized in horse care for the vast majority of her career. She has been around horses since she was a child, starting out riding ponies and helping out at the local stables before going on to college to study Horse Care & Management. She has backed and trained many horses during her lifetime and competed in various equestrian sports at different levels.
After Kate qualified as a veterinary nurse, she provided nursing care to the patients of a large equine veterinary hospital for many years. She then went on to teach horse care and veterinary nursing at one of the top colleges in the country. This has led to an in-depth knowledge of the care needs of horses and their various medical ailments, as well as a life-long passion for educating horse owners on how to provide the best possible care for their four-legged friends.
Kate Chalmers BSc (Hons) CVN, Dip AVN (Equine) Dip HE CVN EVN VN A1 PGCE